Buon compleanno in inglese

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Come dire buon compleanno in inglese

Per dire buon compleanno in inglese tra gli amici e le persone che si conoscono, come già anticipato, viene usata l'espressione Happy Birthday!, che vuol dire Felicità per il giorno della tua nascita! oppure Felice compleanno! e che si trova anche su molti biglietti di buon compleanno in inglese.

Se invece a fare gli auguri è una ditta nei confronti di una figura importante, come ad esempio il titolare, si preferisce la forma più impersonale di Good wishes on his/her birthday, che tradotta si avvicina molto al nostro Le auguriamo il meglio per il suo compleanno.

Un altro modo per fare gli auguri di buon compleanno in inglese, anche questo molto formale e che viene utilizzato nei confronti di persone che non si conoscono o che ricoprono delle cariche importanti, è I wish to take the opportunity to congratulate her/his on her/his birthday, Colgo l'opportunità per farle gli auguri per il suo compleanno.

Tornando invece ad una frase più amichevole e che si può anche usare in un contesto famigliare, se vi sentite molto sicuri con la lingua inglese e non avete paura a formulare espressioni più complicate, per augurare buon compleanno potete usare anche I wish you a happy birthday, che si può tradurre come Ti auguro un buon compleanno.

Consigli frasi buon compleanno in inglese

  1. Two normal words that, sent to a special person, become unique: Happy Birthday!
  2. Happy Birthday, and never forget that you truly live your time only when you love.
  3. Smile, as long as you have all your teeth. Happy Birthday!
  4. I bet you're paying more for the candles than for the cake. You're getting old, happy Birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday to one of my closest friend. I'm sure the best is yet to come.
  6. Today I want to do everything you want me to do... I heard that old people tend to act angrily when they don't get what they want. Happy Birthday!
  7. I want you to know that I write birthday cards only for sexy, clever and funny people. Plus you. Happy Birthday!
  8. They say that with every year that passes you get one more wrinkle on your face. Well, it must be false; one year has passed... and you've got three more! Happy Birthday!
  9. You'll never be this young again, but never been so old! Happy Birthday!
  10. I wanted to send you something beautiful, entertaining and joyful, but at the post office they didn't want me to get in the package! Happy Birthday!
  11. Years go by but you still got that light in your eyes... no, wait, that's only sunlight! Happy Birthday!
  12. There's no key to happiness. The door is always open. Happy Birthday!
  13. As you blow out the candles you turn on our souls. Happy Birthday!
  14. It's not the time you put in your life that matters, it's the life you put in your time. Happy Birthday!
  15. Life is a canvas; make yours the most colorful you can! Happy Birthday!
  16. In your twenties you play at football; in your thirties you play tennis; in your forties you play. Basically as you get old your balls get smaller. Happy Birthday!
  17. They say that with every year you become wiser...are you sure today's your birthday? Happy Birthday!
  18. Happy Birthday and be good, but not too good!
  19. Many year ago you came to this world, covered in blood and screaming, kicking. Let's celebrate that, happy birthday!
  20. Never stop dreaming and never stop trying to make that dream come true. Happy Birthday, my dear friend.
  21. I hope that happiness will be your best friend today! Happy Birthday!
  22. I could never forget the day someone as special as you was born. Happy Birthday!
  23. Let the party begin, and happy Birthday!
  24. A special party for a special friend. Happy Birthday, my dear!

Idee per frasi compleanno in inglese

Il giorno del compleanno è un momento importante sia per gli adulti sia per i più piccoli. É necessario quindi dedicare degli auguri personalizzati e speciali al festeggiato. Oggi come oggi è possibile fare gli auguri di buon compleanno tramite un biglietto, un messaggio sul cellulare o una telefonata, facendo sentire l'amico, il genitore o il fidanzato davvero speciali almeno per un giorno. Ma come comportarsi se si vuole dedicare un pensiero o scrivere una frase di augurio a una persona che non parla italiano? Come fare gli auguri di buon compleanno in una lingua straniera? Quasi tutti conoscono il classico Happy birthday, tuttavia è possibile arricchire il biglietto scrivendo delle frasi più articolate e particolari. Ecco una lista di soluzioni per fare gli auguri di buon compleanno in inglese:

  1. Happy Birthday (Buon compleanno).
  2. Birthday Greetings (Tanti auguri).
  3. Have a wonderful birthday! (Ti auguro un felice compleanno!).
  4. Many happy returns! (Cento di questi giorni!).
  5. Wishing you every happiness on your special day (Ti auguro ogni felicità nel tuo giorno speciale).
  6. May all your wishes come true. Happy Birthday! (Spero che tutti i tuoi desideri si realizzino. Buon Compleanno!).
  7. I wish you all the best for your future, you deserve it! Best wishes! (Mi auspico che ti accada solo il meglio nel futuro perché te lo meriti! Auguri!).
  8. I hope that for every candle on your cake you get a wonderful surprise (Mi auguro che ogni candelina della tua torta ti possa riservare una splendida sorpresa).
  9. Happy birthday, may this day always be a special one to remember (Buon compleanno, chissà che oggi sia per sempre un giorno speciale da ricordare).
  10. Birthday after birthday, time will pass, but every single day that I spend with you is a special one. I love you! (Compleanno dopo compleanno, il tempo passa, ma ogni giornata trascorsa insieme a te è speciale. Ti amo!).
  11. There’s nothing bad about turning another year older. After all, the alternative is not worth considering. Let’s celebrate your birthday! (Non c'è nulla di male ad avere un anno in più. Infatti non vale neanche la pena di considerare l’alternativa. Quindi festeggiamo il tuo compleanno!).
  12. Se si hanno degli amici sognatori invece si potrebbe optare per una frase come There’s no shortcut to reach your dreams, we all know that. Keep going in the right direction to reach them and you’ll achieve the life you’ve always wanted for yourself (Sappiamo che non c'è una scorciatoia per i tuoi sogni. Persevera nella direzione giusta così da raggiungerli e avere così l'esistenza che da sempre vuoi).
  13. Isn’t nature amazing? Every year it gives you a great excuse to eat more cake (Non è splendida la natura? Ogni anno ci permette di gustarci più torta).

Frasi buon compleanno in inglese

  1. Happy birthday to you, a nice day is waiting you. I’m here like faithful friend, because I love you for real and not for pretend.
  2. Time passes inexorably, generations pass and retirement doesn’t arrive. I wonder if you'll ever see her. Meanwhile, enjoy this new step towards the end, happy birthday.
  3. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Marcello, happy birthday to you! This is the only song you will hear at your birthday. Best wishes man!
  4. Best wishes for this birthday that could be the last! So let's go and make some noise! Happy birthday!
  5. I hope you are ready for all the kisses of your relatives, this is birthday day my friend. Best wishes!
  6. Gifts with dubious aesthetic taste, money spent on a party whose alcohol will erase the memory. Dignity forgotten in the club. We are with you for this new adventure! Happy birthday!
  7. Here we are to make you live another birthday aware of the fact that you don’t like it, but we are doing that because we love you and we can’t wait to celebrate with you! Happy birthday!
  8. Who knows if you will finally find a wife, you’re starting not be so young. Hurry up, your witness is ready! Happy birthday my friend.
  9. Ever older and wiser our friend, or rather, older certainly, wise I wouldn’t know. Happy birthday!
  10. Another number to add, the candles are increasing and you always stay the same. How are you doing? Always so young, handsome and stupid? Happy birthday!
  11. Now you can be considered a man, so welcome to the adult world. (Escape until you're on time!). Happy birthday my friend!
  12. It's spent a year since the last time but it seems like a lifetime, judging by your wrinkles I mean. Congratulations my old man!
  13. Who knows if this time you will settle down, we look forward your birthday to find out, probably also this time in vain. Happy birthday man!
  14. Without fear of tomorrow and the regret of yesterday, congratulations old man! Look, that's not wisdom, it's Alzheimer's approaching!
  15. Even if you are a bad friend, I show you that I'm better than you congratulate you with all my heart. Happy birthday man!
  16. Even if you always forget my birthday, I can’t revenge and don’t do it. And I am here to curse you for your bad memory while I’m wishing you happy birthday!
  17. I bet you were wondering if I would remember your birthday. I surprised you, right? So you learn to underestimate me! Happy birthday!
  18. P. S.: thank your sister for reminding me.
  19. How is it that you more get older and more get screwed up? I hope you turn things around this time! Happy birthday and I recommend, do good guy at least this year!
  20. The candles are almost no longer in the cake, congratulations for the achievment! I wish you to reach many more and more beautiful! Happy birthday!
  21. You can’t going back, so it’s better that you accept the amount you are looking on the cake, it will be hard but you can do it. Happy birthday oldie!